Inspiration from Neil Gaiman

Fantastic advice for we struggling writers from one of the contemporary masters of the craft:

To sum up:

  1. Write
  2. Finish things
  3. Read outside your chosen genre
  4. TellĀ your story

(I can attest to third thing on the list; the idea for the novel I’m currently writing came from watching an opera and an old movie.)

Writing about Reading: The Ocean at the End of the Lane

ocean3d_zpsd0cb2935I’m a fan of Neil Gaiman’s work, and I had planned to pick up The Ocean at the End of the Lane at some point, but it wasn’t at the top of my to-read list. As I’ve mentioned, I’m on a bit of a space opera kick right now, and I wanted to keep my head submerged in that bucket awhile longer.

But then I started seeing the reviews Gaiman shared on Twitter, and the blog post his wife, Amanda Palmer, put up about the book, and … well, I bought into the hype. And then I bought the book, and now I’ve read it.

I’m just going to say right up front, I don’t get it. I don’t get what the hype was about.

Continue reading “Writing about Reading: The Ocean at the End of the Lane”

Neil Gaiman’s “Most Important” Writing Advice

The most important writing advice, from Neil Gaiman.

Need a quick kick in the pants? Neil Gaiman has it for you over on his blog.

I’d add to it, but really, what else is there to say? Runners don’t start off running marathons; they run every day until they can. Ditto writers.


Finish things.

Keep writing.

Seems pretty obvious, but sometimes we need someone further down the path to call back and remind us to keep hiking.

Neil Gaiman’s Advice for Young (and Old) Writers (and Artists)

You’ve probably seen this already. Few people make a splash like Neil Gaiman, or are better at self promotion. I’m mainly putting this here so I can find it easily the next time I need a kick in the pants, but in the off chance you haven’t watched this, do so. You won’t be disappointed.

Now go and make good art.