Proof of Life. No, Really.

It’s a steamy morning—literally. A thick blanket of fog crept in overnight, leaving behind a fuzz of dew. The shed roof smokes as the morning sun burns away the moisture and spider webs hang like complex diamond necklaces in the fencing.

It’s been quiet on this blog, I know. But I have not been quiet. I have been writing.

I miss my friends. I miss my family. Sure, I’m talking to them regularly, seeing them over video chats. Too rarely, I see them in person.

But the absence of a social life has given me more time to write. I’m working on the novel and a short story and a graphic novel. I also plan to dust off one of the movie scripts, now that the streaming services are hungry for new content.

And I plan to start posting here more often. I’ve been posting daily updates on Facebook instead of this blog, but I need to limit my time on Facebook. It’s a time sink and an abyss of doomscrolling, and it tends to siphon away whole days if I let it. So I’m trying not to let it.

Plus, I like this blog. It feels more intimate, less of an echo chamber; a quiet cafe instead of a shopping mall food court.

If your week has been rough, hang on one more day. Friday is the official start of the weekend now, because we said so, that’s why. That’s how a democracy runs; we all agree on a thing and it becomes a thing.

So, happy weekend eve. Take a deep breath, fasten your seatbelt, and let’s land this week.

2 thoughts on “Proof of Life. No, Really.”

  1. Hi David. I’m not on FB and it’s great. I also follow few blogs. I subscribed to yours a long time ago, so to see you pop up in my uncluttered email feed means I do read what you write. I am saying, that it is rare and a serendipity timing issue that we have this connection. I live in New Zealand. My life is full of art and music. I probably won’t comment often but I will read your blog. All the best with your writing.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I consider it a high compliment that my little blog made your list. I doubt I’ll post as often as I used to, and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to use this space for. If you don’t mind me asking, what made you subscribe way back when?

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